Below you’ll find a wide variety of resources created to help you understand your instrument and how to ensure it stays as happy and healthy as you!
The False Economy of Cheap Violins
When a child or adult decides to learn the violin, many people opt for the cheapest option available with the mindset that they might not ‘stick with it’ so there is little point in investing in a good quality instrument. However, that approach doesn’t take into account the effect a poor quality instrument will have on the enjoyment of playing.
What Makes a Good Quality Violin?
It may seem like a good idea to buy a violin online for less than £200, but you will almost certainly end up with a poorly made instrument that will be no fun to play.
Workshop Diary: Bridges, fittings and a new plane
This month off started with a few exciting deliveries, among them were the new workshop door sign, a new plane, a bridge stamp and the fittings for my most recently finished new violin.
Choosing Your Genre
Lots of people come to the violin, viola or cello operating under the misapprehension that they’ll have to play classical music when they’re learning.
Kids Classical Music Playlist
We’ve put together a playlist of our favourite classical music that we recommend as an introduction to the genre for your children. Below we summarise each track and why we’ve included it.
Select the right size instrument
To ensure your child is playing the right sized instrument, we first recommending discussing sizing with your teacher, as some have preferences regarding what size to start with.